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Co przyniesie rok 2022 dla DevOps

5 minute read

Co to był za rok! Chyba nigdy tyle nie obejrzałem seriali na Netflix siedząc w domu, ale też nigdy nie przeczytałem tak wielu książek. A ilu rzeczy się też n...

Kubernetes for mere mortals

8 minute read

There have been few technologies that have changed the landscape of business and impacted all our daily lives. Of course, the internet is the technology that...

The challenges of multi-cloud environments

8 minute read

When this all IT revolution began, we started with one computer that was the size of a room, then we invented server rooms, we started dividing servers into ...

4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources

9 minute read

Kubectl is the new ssh When I started my adventure with linux systems the first tool I had to get to know was ssh. Oh man, what a wonderful and powerful pie...

How to build CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes

13 minute read

Kubernetes as a standard development platform We started with single, often powerful, machines that hosted many applications. Soon after came virtualization...

Honest review of OpenShift 4

14 minute read

We waited over 7 months for OpenShift Container Platform 4 release. We even got version 4.1 directly because Red Hat decided not to release version 4.0. And ...

Myths around containers. Part 3: Speed

4 minute read

Containers are considerably faster than virtual machines - at least that’s what most people say. But do they actually bring more speed to overall development...

Myths around containers. Part 2: Portability

5 minute read

Is it true that after so many years we finally have real, portable format for all applications? It seems that we’ve come very close to that goal and it’s tim...

Myths around containers. Part 1: Security

5 minute read

We had many revolutions in IT infrastructure world over past 20 years or so. Virtualization promised hardware abstraction, private cloud promised lower costs...

10 reasons why Kubernetes has won

3 minute read

We’ve been falling for the containers hype for the past few months and Kubernetes has emerged as a leader among container orchestrator to help build solution...

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The challenges of multi-cloud environments

8 minute read

When this all IT revolution began, we started with one computer that was the size of a room, then we invented server rooms, we started dividing servers into ...

4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources

9 minute read

Kubectl is the new ssh When I started my adventure with linux systems the first tool I had to get to know was ssh. Oh man, what a wonderful and powerful pie...

How to build CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes

13 minute read

Kubernetes as a standard development platform We started with single, often powerful, machines that hosted many applications. Soon after came virtualization...

Myths around containers. Part 3: Speed

4 minute read

Containers are considerably faster than virtual machines - at least that’s what most people say. But do they actually bring more speed to overall development...

Myths around containers. Part 2: Portability

5 minute read

Is it true that after so many years we finally have real, portable format for all applications? It seems that we’ve come very close to that goal and it’s tim...

Myths around containers. Part 1: Security

5 minute read

We had many revolutions in IT infrastructure world over past 20 years or so. Virtualization promised hardware abstraction, private cloud promised lower costs...

10 reasons why Kubernetes has won

3 minute read

We’ve been falling for the containers hype for the past few months and Kubernetes has emerged as a leader among container orchestrator to help build solution...

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4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources

9 minute read

Kubectl is the new ssh When I started my adventure with linux systems the first tool I had to get to know was ssh. Oh man, what a wonderful and powerful pie...

How to build CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes

13 minute read

Kubernetes as a standard development platform We started with single, often powerful, machines that hosted many applications. Soon after came virtualization...

Honest review of OpenShift 4

14 minute read

We waited over 7 months for OpenShift Container Platform 4 release. We even got version 4.1 directly because Red Hat decided not to release version 4.0. And ...

Myths around containers. Part 3: Speed

4 minute read

Containers are considerably faster than virtual machines - at least that’s what most people say. But do they actually bring more speed to overall development...

Myths around containers. Part 2: Portability

5 minute read

Is it true that after so many years we finally have real, portable format for all applications? It seems that we’ve come very close to that goal and it’s tim...

Myths around containers. Part 1: Security

5 minute read

We had many revolutions in IT infrastructure world over past 20 years or so. Virtualization promised hardware abstraction, private cloud promised lower costs...

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Myths around containers. Part 3: Speed

4 minute read

Containers are considerably faster than virtual machines - at least that’s what most people say. But do they actually bring more speed to overall development...

Myths around containers. Part 2: Portability

5 minute read

Is it true that after so many years we finally have real, portable format for all applications? It seems that we’ve come very close to that goal and it’s tim...

Myths around containers. Part 1: Security

5 minute read

We had many revolutions in IT infrastructure world over past 20 years or so. Virtualization promised hardware abstraction, private cloud promised lower costs...

10 reasons why Kubernetes has won

3 minute read

We’ve been falling for the containers hype for the past few months and Kubernetes has emerged as a leader among container orchestrator to help build solution...

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The challenges of multi-cloud environments

8 minute read

When this all IT revolution began, we started with one computer that was the size of a room, then we invented server rooms, we started dividing servers into ...

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How to build CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes

13 minute read

Kubernetes as a standard development platform We started with single, often powerful, machines that hosted many applications. Soon after came virtualization...

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IT certifiations demystified

10 minute read

Recently I counted my certificates and I was shocked to find out that I own 21 various types of them. I decided it’s time to sit and write down all the thing...

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Co przyniesie rok 2022 dla DevOps

5 minute read

Co to był za rok! Chyba nigdy tyle nie obejrzałem seriali na Netflix siedząc w domu, ale też nigdy nie przeczytałem tak wielu książek. A ilu rzeczy się też n...

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4 minute read

Mówiono nam, że tacy właśnie mamy być, aby odnieść sukces. Bezbłędni. Od początku w szkole i aż do pracy zawodowej. Ten artykuł poświęcam właśnie największej...

Zosie Samosie

2 minute read

Nie mam nic do Zoś. Moja babcia miała tak na imię i część dzieci moich znajomych nadaje je swoim córkom, bo to naprawdę piękne imię. Od mojego dzieciństwa tk...

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IT certifiations demystified

10 minute read

Recently I counted my certificates and I was shocked to find out that I own 21 various types of them. I decided it’s time to sit and write down all the thing...

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IT certifiations demystified

10 minute read

Recently I counted my certificates and I was shocked to find out that I own 21 various types of them. I decided it’s time to sit and write down all the thing...

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Hamulce innowacji w Polsce

3 minute read

Lepiej nie było nigdy Podobno żyjemy w najbezpieczniejszych czasach - brak wojen od kilkudziesięciu lat, brak poważniejszych epidemii, względny spokój i dob...

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Hamulce innowacji w Polsce

3 minute read

Lepiej nie było nigdy Podobno żyjemy w najbezpieczniejszych czasach - brak wojen od kilkudziesięciu lat, brak poważniejszych epidemii, względny spokój i dob...

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cloud native

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Czas introwertyków

6 minute read

Jestem introwertykiem. Jak wielu ludzi w IT. Często słyszę dowcip - “nie chcesz rozmawiać z ludźmi to idź na studia informatyczne” i chyba panuje takie ogóln...

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4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources

9 minute read

Kubectl is the new ssh When I started my adventure with linux systems the first tool I had to get to know was ssh. Oh man, what a wonderful and powerful pie...

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4 ways to manage Kubernetes resources

9 minute read

Kubectl is the new ssh When I started my adventure with linux systems the first tool I had to get to know was ssh. Oh man, what a wonderful and powerful pie...

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The challenges of multi-cloud environments

8 minute read

When this all IT revolution began, we started with one computer that was the size of a room, then we invented server rooms, we started dividing servers into ...

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The challenges of multi-cloud environments

8 minute read

When this all IT revolution began, we started with one computer that was the size of a room, then we invented server rooms, we started dividing servers into ...

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Co przyniesie rok 2022 dla DevOps

5 minute read

Co to był za rok! Chyba nigdy tyle nie obejrzałem seriali na Netflix siedząc w domu, ale też nigdy nie przeczytałem tak wielu książek. A ilu rzeczy się też n...

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Co przyniesie rok 2022 dla DevOps

5 minute read

Co to był za rok! Chyba nigdy tyle nie obejrzałem seriali na Netflix siedząc w domu, ale też nigdy nie przeczytałem tak wielu książek. A ilu rzeczy się też n...

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